SPECIAL OFFER 10% off and free shipping for September!

SPECIAL OFFER 10% off and free shipping for September!
We want to introduce you to nowe (pronounced now-wee ). That is HUBLESS! It's the next generation of Wi-Fi SMART IoT (Internet of Things). That is HUBLESS!
That's right hubless home automation, a simple and convenient way of automating your home with SMART devices that don't require wiring by an electrition* and no longer need a hub unit. That works with either Google Home, powered by the Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa smart speaker!
In keeping it simple, we're kicking things off with a straightforward nowe 'Plug, Pair, & Play' option, consisting of a Wi-Fi SMART nowe A70 LED Bulb, all-important nowe Motion & SMART sensors.
Check out and choose your home's options at our nowe store today.
*Refers to the nowe 'Plug, Pair, & Play' option product range. - Google and Google Home are trademarks of Google LLC.
As simple as 'Plug, Pair, & Play'!
Plug - plugin or power on your nowe device
Pair - connect your nowe product to your home's Wi-Fi through the iHAS app.
Play - simple, convenient automation at home or remotely through iHAS app secure access, Google Assistant, or Amazon Alexa.
Nowe 'Plug, Pair & Play', simple, innovative, convenient automation!
The Wi-Fi SMART hubless home automation is here and starts now, nowe.
That's right - NO MORE ADDED GATEWAYS or Wi-Fi HUBS required. Control your home's automation via nothing more than your current Wi-Fi router, your iHAS APP, Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa and Noweyour nowe products.
Nowe, offering a simple lifestyle choice for your home's automation requirement.
These are just some of the new exciting and fabulous nowe IoT products with many more to come. Remember to subscribe below for up and coming products and all important launch dates! By subscribing to our mailing list, you agree to provide your personal details in accordance with our privacy policy (link below).
We love hearing from our customers, so feel free anytime to drop us a line or two ..
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Copyright © 2017- 2022 iHAS Services - All Rights Reserved.
IHAS Services, powered by innovation & simplicity.
Google & Google Home are trademarks of Google LLC.